Hi all! It’s not a secret things are not going well in the US at the moment. It’s a scary and disruptive time for a lot of us, with people losing their rights, their healthcare, their jobs, and being ripped away from families & community.

I want to use my skills as a coach to help you if you are struggling with stress, coping with uncertainty, finding resilience or just struggling to keep going in the midst of the external crisis we are all experiencing.

I have opened up free office hours, which are 30-min appointments during which we can talk about anything you need support with right now. You can book your office hours appointment here.

I have also put out several free resources on my podcast and social media that you can check out:

Podcast episode on: “Stuck between wanting to resist & wanting to dissociate?”

Podcast episode on “Getting through the day by slowing everything down”

TikTok videos on getting through tough times (based on my experience growing up in Eastern Europe): part 1 and part 2